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Cornell Note on Path Tracing Algorithms

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Version 0: brute force recursive sampling

The idea of path tracing is to use Monte Carlo to compute the illumination integral for a surface point,

but to make a recursive call to get all radiance incident on the surface rather than just the direct radiance.

  • integrand: $f_r(x,w,w’)L_i(x,w’)$, recursive here!
  • probability: $d\mu(w’)$, uniform $\frac{1}{\pi}$
  • estimator:
\[g = f/p = f_r(x,w,w')L_i(x,w') / \frac{1}{\pi}\]
// estimator
rayRadianceEst(x, ω): 
    y = traceRay(x, ω) 
    return emittedRadiance(y, –ω) + reflectedRadianceEst(y, –ω) // recursive

// estimator
reflectedRadianceEst(x, ωr): 
    ωi = uniformRandomPSA(n(x)) 
    return π * brdf(x, ωi, ωr) * rayRadianceEst(x, ωi)

Version 0.5: Russian Roulette

When we are evaluating the integral we:

  • replace a fraction of the samples with zero (i.e. terminate some paths) and
  • increase the weight of the remaining samples to preserve the mean.


$g(x)$ is an estimator for L,

\[g'(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{q}g(x), \; with \; probability \; q \\0, \; with \; probability \; (1-q)\end{cases}\] \[E\{g'(x)\}=q \cdot (\frac{1}{q}g(x)) + (1-q) \cdot 0 = g(x)\]
rayRadianceEst(x, ω): 
    y = traceRay(x, ω) 
    return emittedRadiance(y, –ω) + reflectedRadianceEst(y, –ω) 

reflectedRadianceEst(x, ωr): 
    if random() < survivalProbability: 
        ωi = uniformRandomPSA(n(x)) 
        return π * brdf(x, ωi, ωr) * rayRadianceEst(x, ωi) / survivalProbability 
        return 0

Version 0.75: BRDF sampling

We can improve things by doing importance sampling according to the BRDF rather than the uniform projected solid angle sampling.

Replace dividing $1/\pi$ with $1/pdf$.

rayRadianceEst(x, ω): 
    y = traceRay(x, ω) 
    return emittedRadiance(y, –ω) + reflectedRadianceEst(y, –ω) 

reflectedRadianceEst(x, ωr): 
    if random() < survivalProbability: 
        ωi, pdf = brdfSample(x, n(x)) 
        return brdf(x, ωi, ωr) * rayRadianceEst(x, ωi) / (pdf * survivalProbability) 
        return 0

Version 1.0: direct illumination

Separate the integral into direct and indirect and use two samples:

\[L_r(x,w)=\int_{H^2}f_r(x,w,w') \; [L_i^{0}(x,w'), L_i^{+}(x,w')] \; d\mu(w')\] \[=\int_{H^2}f_r(x,w,w') \; L_i^{0}(x,w')d\mu(w') + \int_{H^2}f_r(x,w,w') \; L_i^{+}(x,w') \; d\mu(w')\]
  • sample according to luminaires $P_L$
  • sample according to BRDF $P_B$

This means we trace two rays,

  • one by luminaire (L) sampling and
  • one by BRDF (B) sampling.

The L ray goes toward a luminaire and its radiance value is the emitted light from its direction.

We don’t recurse on the L ray (called a shadow ray).

The B ray (the indirect ray) goes in some arbitrary direction (maybe toward a luminaire, maybe not) but in either case its radiance value is the reflected light (recursively estimated) of the surface it hits.

We don’t include emission in the B rays.

In the example code on the slide, this is done by having the caller trace the ray and then call reflectedRadianceEst (rather than rayRadianceEst, which would have included emitted light)

rayRadianceEst(x, ω): 
    y = traceRay(x, ω) 
    return emittedRadiance(y, –ω) + reflectedRadianceEst(y, –ω) 

reflectedRadianceEst(x, ωr): 
    return directRadianceEst(x, ωr) + indirectRadianceEst(x, ωr) 

// L
directRadianceEst(x, ωr): 
    ωi, pdf = luminaireSample(x, n(x)) 
    y = traceRay(x, ωi) 
    return brdf(x, ωi, ωr) * emittedRadiance(y, –ωi) / pdf

// B
indirectRadianceEst(x, ωr): 
    if random() < survivalProbability: 
        ωi, pdf = brdfSample(x, n(x)) 
        y = traceRay(x, ωi) 
        return brdf(x, ωi, ωr)  * reflectedRadianceEst(y, –ωi) / (pdf * survivalProbability) 
        return 0

Version 1.0m: direct by multiple importance

We got the best (or at least most robust) results for direct illumination by using multiple importance sampling to combine luminaire and BRDF sampling.

directRadianceEst(x, ωr): 
    ωl, pll = luminaireSample(x, n(x)) 
    pbl = brdfPDF(ωl) 
    ωb, pbb = brdfSample(x, n(x)) 
    plb = luminairePDF(ωb) 

    yl = traceRay(x, ωl) 
    yb = traceRay(x, ωb) 

    fl = brdf(x, ωl, ωr)  * emittedRadiance(yl, –ωi) 
    fb = brdf(x, ωb, ωr)  * emittedRadiance(yb, –ωi) 

    return fl / (pll + pbl) + fb / (plb + pbb)

Version 1.1: sharing the BRDF ray

For each reflection it generates three rays by the time it is done:

  • an L and a B for direct, and then
  • later another B for indirect

This is wasteful, because those two samples don’t need to be independent.

They are not samples of the same estimator; they are samples contributing to two estimators we are adding together.

So we can save work by tracing a single B ray and using it to sample both emitted and reflected light.

The weighting is important: the contribution of emitted light is weighted against the luminaire sample using Veach & Guibas’s balance heuristic, whereas the contribution of reflected light is just normalized as its own separate estimate and added in.

Doing this in the pseudocode results in a monolithic reflectedRadianceEst function that is perhaps harder to read, but performs well.

reflectedRadianceEst(x, ωr): 
    ωl, pll = luminaireSample(x, n(x)) 
    pbl = brdfPDF(ωl) 
    ωb, pbb = brdfSample(x, n(x)) 
    plb = luminairePDF(ωb) 

    yl = traceRay(x, ωl) 
    yb = traceRay(x, ωb) 

    fl = brdf(x, ωl, ωr) * emittedRadiance(yl, –ωl) 
    fb = brdf(x, ωb, ωr) * emittedRadiance(yb, –ωb) 

    reflRad = fl / (pll + pbl) + fb / (plb + pbb) 

    if random() < survivalProbability: 
        reflRad += brdf(x, ωb, ωr) / pbb * reflectedRadianceEst(yb, –ωb) / survivalProbability 
    return reflRad
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